  • 2023年1月25日
  • 4分钟阅读

Reflecting on 40 Years of Giving Through the 企业控股基金

的 Foundation Has Contributed More Than Half a Billion Dollars Since Its Inception in 1982

企业控股基金 最近庆祝了捐赠40周年. 自成立以来, the Foundation has contributed more than half a billion dollars to thous和s of local non-profits 和 made wide-reaching commitments—from global philanthropic initiatives to community-focused projects.

Philanthropy has long been part of Enterprise Holdings’ culture 和 DNA. This commitment was inspired by the values of company founder Jack Taylor, who emphasized the importance of giving back to local communities 和 formalized the creation of the 企业控股基金 in 1982. 泰勒关于企业捐赠的鼓舞人心的愿景, “我们加强我们的社区, 一次一个街区,这句话在今天和四十年前一样正确.

“Dad instilled in his teams—和 his family—the importance of always doing the right thing for our neighbors 和 communities,” 企业控股基金 Chairperson Jo Ann Taylor Kindle said. “It was out of this commitment that the 企业控股基金 was born as the home of our organization’s work to promote community growth by giving of our time 和 resources.”

企业控股基金会支持一系列事业, 包括卫生和公共服务, 环境问题, 教育, 公共及社会福利, 救灾, 来自公司全球各地的艺术和资深人士. 的 Foundation also plays a unique role in helping respond when hurricanes, 龙卷风, 森林大火, floods 和 other natural disasters strike by providing aid through 与美国红十字会合作 以及重点拨款和交通支持.

What makes the Foundation special is its employee-led giving strategy. Nearly all Foundation grants are determined by Enterprise Holdings employees from around the world who are encouraged to submit grant applications, 这有助于把精力集中在最需要的地方. 仅在22财年, the Foundation gave $74 million to global philanthropic initiatives 和 community nonprofits, with 98% of grants given by the Foundation fulfilling requests submitted directly from employees to support community causes that are important to them.

In addition to local grants for organizations selected by employees, the 企业控股基金 oversees a variety of initiatives focused on creating positive impacts through long-term partnerships with nonprofit organizations. 

Some recent 企业控股基金 partner highlights include:

  • 捐赠超过1美元.8 million in aid in response to disasters including Ukraine conflict relief 和 Hurricane Fiona in FY22.
  • 为26.9 million meals to more than 654,000 seniors in local communities through the “填满你的油箱”计划 以及与“供养美国”的合作.
  • 提供750美元,000 to the Heroes’ Legacy Scholarship—which is open to the dependent, unmarried children (under 23) of those who have died or become disabled through their active military service—和 giving $250,000 toward building homes on military hospital grounds  through a partnership with 渔舍基金会.
  • 通过进取号种植了创纪录的1700万棵树 “5000万棵树的承诺” 与植树节基金会合作. 
  • Helping 的 Nature Conservancy 和 partners improve the health of an estimated 9,879 river miles 和 conserve over 7 million acres in priority watersheds, 使生物多样性和当地社区受益 ”路线 & 根®:企业健康河流项目.”
  • Distributing $14 million in local grants in FY22—part of a $55 million commitment over the next five years—to help advance social 和 racial equity through the 企业前进之路 和 partnerships with My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, United Negro College Fund, Girls Inc. 家长当老师.

从一开始, Enterprise Holdings has strived to act as an engaged corporate citizen that makes a meaningful difference in the communities where it operates. 基金会主席卡洛琳·金顿强调了这一点,她说, “Together with Enterprise Holdings employees 和 our philanthropic partners, we will continue to honor my gr和father’s vision by doing our part to enable positive change 和 create healthier, 更公平的社区.”


企业控股是一家领先的供应商 移动解决方案 包括租车, 车队管理, 车, 中型客运共乘, 车租赁, 奢侈品租赁, 零售汽车销售和车辆订购, as well as travel management 和 other transportation technology services 和 solutions, 让顾客的出行更便捷. 企业控股拥有 企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 br和s, which are operated through an integrated global network of subsidiaries 和 franchises. 由圣泰勒家族私人持有. 路易斯,企业控股及其附属公司, 企业车队管理他管理着一支多样化的船队.100万辆汽车通过超过10个网络,000 fully staffed neighborhood 和 airport rental locations in more than 90 countries 和 territories.